Koen Claeys

Koen Claeys Solo classical guitarist and performer

Sitting right in front of the Sibelius speakers at Pearl Acoustics in Tienen, Belgium, I was really impressed. I am sure that with my eyes closed, I would have bet there was somebody playing for me. Not a pair of speakers. One really has the impression there is an instrument playing live right in front of you. The timbres are so honest and accurate, the tone balance and harmonics of the actual instrument are so precisely correct… You can hear where the clarinet player sits in the orchestra, how big the concert hall was, feel the double bass vibrating, the color of the piccolo: all ranges are amazingly natural. As well every genre sounds with so much definition: Beethoven on the violin, David Russell on classical guitar, Nina Simone with Jazz band, … I almost wouldn’t leave my house any more for a live concert. Almost.

Solo classical guitarist and performer